iTunes and other comments

I’ve just had a look at iTunes while planning out some future topics for the show, and noticed the following:

Yes, Brains Matter has been listed as a “New and Notable” podcast within the iTunes Music Store.

And even better – something I didn’t expect at all:

Believe it or not, within the Science category, Brains Matter is listed at Number 3. Even ahead of the legendary Dr Karl! Of course, it’s probably for a fraction of a millisecond, and I was probably lucky to spot it at the time, but it’s all good.

Thank you to everyone who listens to, and enjoys the show. I hope I can make the show more interesting to you all with different topics and guests as time goes on – and that you can share the knowledge you’ve learned with others and point them to the show if you would like to do so.

And thanks to those who have added to the Frappr Map this week. A big hello to Andres Suve from Estonia. Estonia! I’ve never had a listener from there before!

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  1. Test Says:




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