010 – Strange Weather

Strange weather, World mayor of the year, the Doppler Effect, Pin of the Week, water on Mars, climate, theraputic cloning, schizophrenia prediction, the Sun, a submitted joke and Quote of the Week.

Music on todays show comes courtesy of Pod Safe Audio:

DJ R-Qubed – In a funk
DJ Topshelf – Falus
Lejeune – In Stereo
mjc – La Mer By the Sea
Os Improvaveis – Sobre Nos
Uma Floresta – Beija-Flor

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7 Comments to “010 – Strange Weather”

  1. Mark Pike Says:

    Dear Ordinary Guy,

    Just found your podcast on iTunes and really like it. Nice blend of science fact/explanation and other stuff.

    One very small suggestion. While playing the episode I was at work. The audio for your dialogue was quiet in comparison to the volume of the music that separated segments. This resulted in me having to continually turn the sound up or down. Is there a way to make the volume the same for your mic and music inputs? Maybe iTunes messes it up?

    Thanks again for the interesting pcast.


  2. Brains Matter Says:

    Hi Mike,

    I’m glad you enjoyed the show. Thanks for the feedback about the episode – I’ve been playing with the music levels and voice levels a bit over time, and your comment is appreciated. I’ll try to equalise things out a bit more – it’s something I’m yet to master!


  3. Jess Says:

    Hi OG,

    I just found out what podcasts are and guess l’ll learn more about it in the future.

    I’m from Melton, Victoria.

    Anyway, l wanted to say l like your show and to ask a few Q’s.

    I like how you don’t talk too fast and the content is great.

    I was listening to the December show, which you mentioned two topics that really stood out for me. The first was about humans handle traveling at the speed of light and the second was how researchers found animals using language to communicate with each other.

    At the end of your show, l formed an idea about humans brains ability to handle evolution.

    Are humans brains, in this moment of humans existence, forced to work harder than any other period in time? What parts of the brain are affected from stress, anxiety, etc, etc?

    The human mind/brain is the last frontier in my opinion. I recall reading that humans only use a small percentage of their brains. Which parts of the brain are modern humans actually using? how many parts of the brain can work at once? what parts of the brain are humans not using? Are their any parts of the human brain which are used less than other parts?

    What is bio/neurofeed back? Does it heal the brain? What is a spect scan?

    Can animal species develop similar medical conditions to humans, ie schizophrenia, dementia, etc, etc? If not, why not?

    How much stress can a human brain handle and is it evolving fast enough to handle the dramatic changes which are occuring?

    have a good holiday and hope chrissy and news don’t get too hot for you.


  4. Brains Matter Says:

    Hi Jess,

    Thanks for your great comment. I’m heading off on my holidays today, but I’ll try to get back to you when I get back. I’ll have to look into some of your questions as I don’t know the answers to all of them (I suspect some aren’t known yet!)

    Enjoy your festive season, and I hope you continue to enjoy the podcast through next year as well.

    Make sur e you add yourself to the Frappr Map as well!


  5. Richard Eves Says:

    G’day Ordinary Guy,
    You mentioned the bushfires in Victoria in this the tenth episode. We also were affected by the smoke here in Wagga. For your perusal I have included a link to a photo I took from the outskirts of town showing the sunset & the smoke. This photo is actually a combination of three photos joined to create a HDR image.


    Cheers & Keep Casting!

  6. brainsmatter Says:


    That’s a fantastic photo. Thanks for that, I’ll be using it in the next episode!


  7. World mayor of the year, 2006 « Brains Matter Says:

    […] mayor of the year, 2006 Back in Episode 10 I mentioned the winner of the World Mayor of the Year – well, I don’t know if he heard […]


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