011 – Scientific theory, and space travel

Scientific definition of theory, muscles, space travel, pin of the week and some news. The last podcast of the year!

Music on todays show comes courtesy of Pod Safe Audio:

Punam Verma – One Day
Spacemission – Dont you follow the light
Ocean Alexander – Mad World
mjc – Blue Segment

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Have a great new year, and I will talk to you in 2007!

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4 Comments to “011 – Scientific theory, and space travel”

  1. Marcus Says:

    It’s Marcus from Melbourne. Thank you for the great job on explaing the Scientific use of the word theory with the common usage of the word.

    I also agree with your views on religion and Evolution not being mutually exclusive, which is a view i’ve held for a long time.

    Thanks for the great work on teh topic, and for the podcast in general.

  2. brainsmatter Says:


    You’re welcome. I’m glad you’re enjoying the show, and thanks for your feedback. Let me know if you have any other topics of interest as well!


  3. Phil Lucas Says:

    Phil From Perth Western Australia
    Thanks for an interesting podcast.
    On the subject of time taken to acelerate to light speed I make:
    time(secs)=V/a=3E8/19.6=1.53E7 seconds=just under six months (not 5.5years – although still a long time!)

  4. brainsmatter Says:

    Hi Phil,

    Yes, you are absolutely right. I was an order of magnitude out! Teaches me for not double checking before I recorded!



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