Comparison of astronomical sizes

Here are some images that show a good comparison of the relative sizes of objects, not just in our solar system, but from a stellar perspective as well. (Note: the images were taken prior to Pluto being reclassified as a Dwarf Planet)

Image 1
Image of the smaller planets and Pluto

Image 2
Comparison of the relative sizes of the planets

Image 3
Comparison of the size of the sun to its satellites

Image 4
The sun compared to other stars

Image 5
The sun compared to giant stars.

5 Comments to “Comparison of astronomical sizes”

  1. Yasmine Says:

    Hey hey

    i love this website it has helped me wid ma skwl wrk lol

  2. Robyn Says:

    Love these pictures. They are so impressive, and every time I look at them they make me gasp with the sizes of the stars in the universe.

  3. OG Says:

    Glad you guys are enjoying it!

  4. Bonnie Says:

    QUESTION: To whom specifically should I give credit for the above images (comparative sizes of planets and stars)?

  5. brainsmatter Says:

    Hi Bonnie,

    I believe they’re originally from the University of California:




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