20/8/2011 Science Week Live Show
Well, Saturday has come and gone, and fun was had all round. To celebrate Science Week, Brains Matter, with the support of the Monash Science Centre, hosted a live show on The World of the Elephant.
The first person to be interviewed was Professor Roger Short, a world leading expert on elephants, and he discussed many fascinating aspects of elephants that both he and others have discovered in their research over the years.
Following on from Roger, Evan Bittner, a research scientist, who flew in all the way from Adelaide only minutes before the show started, discussed his research.
This included his work on vocalisations and his aim to help with human-elephant conflict. He also gave some chilling statistics on current elephant populations in Asia.
This was followed up by music from Clive Weeks – who wrote a special song for the day.
A Future With Elephants, a conservation fund that was started by a Brains Matter listener, then discussed what their aims were and the type of projects and research they were doing in South East Asia to help the plight of the elephant.
All in all, a fascinating day with great information, and the feedback we had from attendees on the day was fantastic. So a big thank you to everyone who was involved, who helped out, and who attended.
The presentations for the day, the lyrics to Clive’s song, and the audio to the interviews/podcast will be up very soon. You can also find some extra photos on the AFWE facebook page
Once again, thank you to everyone involved!
The show is able to be done through the assistance of its listeners – if you’d like to help, check out the support page on the right hand side, or donate via paypal – all information is on the website.