183 – Anant Tanna – Outreach and Science Fun
In today’s episode, I talk to Anant Tanna once again. This time we talk about his interest in science outreach, why it’s important, and the fun of learning science.
Topics we cover include:
– Why is outreach important?
– Why is science outreach, in particular, important?
– How should outreach be approached?
– Why does science need outreach compared to other industries?
– The need to do more outreach now than in the past
– Understanding the need for fundamental research and indirect outcomes of science
– Techniques to communicate science
– Why science is fun
– Science for the right audience
– What inspired Anant to get into science
And make sure you listen right to the end! High school students have a chance to win a scholarship for one semester’s free tuition from MyWebTutor. So listen in for details on how to enter, and put your entry in for the chance to win. Entries close on the 20th of July, 2017.